Hank the Hapless Huant
Hapless Hank is a hoot. Actually, he is a small Wonder Imagery ghost silk, but he will have the kids Hooting and hollering. Hank is removed from his bio hazard canister for all to witness his sneaky moves. Performer claims Hank will move in his hands as he blows on the corners of the silk. Kids are not fooled. Performer puts Hank away to try his trick later. When Hank comes back he really does move and fly around the performer's hands. The Hooting and hollering begins. Hank even does a ghostly magic trick. Performer claims Hank will vanish from his hand and reappear inside the bio hazard canister. Canister is shown to be empty. Hank vanishes but he doesn’t appear inside the canister. When the canister is opened it’s still empty. WAIT! From the empty canister a string of ghost slime springs into view right in front of an audience helper. More Hooting and Hollering. Hank is found under the string of springy slime. All you can say is “Wow.” Comes with all silks and gimmicks, special canister, spring snake and online video tutorial.
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